주제 : Progress on Building a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
발 표 요 약 :
Trapped ions are promising candidates for scalable qubits for practical quantum computing, exhibiting long qubit coherence time, low operational error (state preparation, quantum gate and measurement), and long-range qubit connectivity. Realizing an operational quantum computer with ion qubits includes not only engineering ion trap hardware for stable ion qubit manipulation and high precision control but also stacking software layers to translate high-level quantum circuit representation into device-level instructions. In this talk, we present our recent efforts to construct a full-stack quantum computer with trapped ions and related achievements along the path.
연 사 : 김준기 교수 (성균관대 나노과학기술원)
일 시 : 2024년 4월 11일(목요일) 오후 4시 30분
장 소 : 자연대 4호관 215호(세미나실)
입자-광자 초정밀 측정 고급인력양성사업팀
전 남 대 학 교 물 리 학 과