SRC 세미나
주제 : Liquid Scintillator development towards the Next-generation Neutrino experiments
발 표 요 약 :
Over the past 15 years, Liquid Scintillator has been extensively used as both a target and detector material in neutrino experiments, leading to significant advancements in our understanding of neutrino physics. As we move towards the next generation of neutrino oscillation detectors, which will feature unprecedented mass and precision, novel technologies are anticipated to drive further breakthroughs. However, Liquid Scintillator remains highly relevant and continues to hold great potential for advancing the field. In this talk, I will discuss key considerations and recent developments in Liquid Scintillator technology at Brookhaven National Laboratory, highlighting its ongoing and future contributions to neutrino research.
연 사 : Guang Yang 박사 (Brookhaven National Lab)
일 시 : 2024년 9월 06일(금요일) 오후 2시
장 소 : 자연대 4호관 305호(세미나실)
우주소립자 연구소(IUEP)
입자-광자 초정밀 측정 고급인력양성사업팀
전 남 대 학 교 물 리 학 과